Posts in Pain
First aid for injuries

We’re frequently asked, “What is the best way to manage a new injury?” here at Full Circle Osteopathy. There is an awful lot of advice out there when it comes to acute soft-tissue injury management. Here is a helpful guide to soft-tissue injury management, based on the most recent research available.

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Facet lock

Hello readers! We hope you’ve had an enjoyable Christmas and sent 2020 off with the bang it deserved. We’re kicking things off with a blog about neck pain relating to small joints in our neck known as facet joints. Are you waking up to 2021 with a pain in your neck? You might have had one too many sleeps in the armchair over the festive period. And maybe the exercise dropped off a bit as focus changed to family get-togethers and binging in front of the TV after an exhausting year. Never fear, we’ve got your back (oops… we mean neck!)

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Injury blog: Shoulder impingement

Suffering from shoulder pain? Lucky for you that our December blog is all about shoulder pain… We’re good like that! As osteopaths, shoulder pain is up there as one of the most common complaints we treat, after lower back and neck pain. Office workers, gym goers and overhead sports people, such as basketballers and netballers are all regular victims of shoulder pain.

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Osteo Arthritis: aging and your body

You might think that as people get older, they become less active and therefore are less likely to injure themselves. This may be true to a degree, especially once reaching retirement age, but the elderly population are generally an active population and are just as much at risk of injury as the next person. A 60-year-old person might not play footy or run around the basketball court as much as a teenager might, but they have other things to contend with - an ageing body with years of gradual degenerative change and weakening that we all experience at some point as we go through life. One of the most common causes of injury in the elderly is falling.

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Pain from within - Why pain isn’t always a strain or sprain

Did you know that you don’t always have to strain a muscle or sprain a ligament in order to feel pain? Deep inside your body are the cogs that keep your body ticking over… your organs. We have lots of organs inside us: The heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, and more. Well, did you know that when something goes wrong with these organs, they can also give you pain? To add to this, sometimes that pain is felt in a completely different part of the body than where the organ is located! This can lure you in to thinking that something is wrong with that body part when really there isn’t. Sounds silly right? Let us explain further…

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Lumbar Disc Prolapse: Symptoms and treatment

It’s moving day and you’ve been running around packing, unpacking, lifting boxes and awkward furniture all day. You can’t stop though because there’s still more to do. It’s onwards and upwards with another load in the back of the Ute. You bend down to pick up the umpteenth box of the day and bang and you’re hit with excruciating low back pain and a shooting pain down the back of your leg. It’s crippling and you’re struggling to catch your breath and stand up straight. It’s a scenario unfortunately a lot of us are familiar with, but what has caused this searing pain? One possible and relatively common cause for such pain is a lumbar disc prolapse. Sit back with a coffee and let us take you through the ins and outs.

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Introducing chronic pain and how to treat it

Hello everyone, and welcome to our July blog! This month we are going to be talking about pain. We can’t believe it’s already halfway through the year. Time certainly does fly! But for the 3.24 million Australians living with chronic pain, it’s just more time spent battling the daily hurdles - getting out of bed, working, socialising, being a parent, everything really! Being in pain for a long time can be debilitating and have a huge impact on a person’s life.

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The most common headache . . .

Did you know it is estimated that 50% of the global adult population have experienced a headache within the last year alone - that’s over 3.5 billion people! Unfortunately, there are too many types of headache to be able to cover them all in one blog, unless you fancy reading through about 50 pages of text… Yeah we thought not! We figured a good place to start would be the headache that is most commonly experienced throughout the general population. We introduce you to the ‘Tension-Type Headache’ (or TTH).

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